Se Arrienda

Si la fe no es suficiente, es que no se tiene fe.

Dear Catherine:

My life began when l found you...

...and l thought it had ended when l failed to save you.

l thought that hanging on to your memory was keeping us both alive.

But l was wrong.

A woman named Theresa showed me that...

...if l was brave enough to open my heart...

...l could love again, no matter how terrible my grief.

She made me realize l was only half-alive.

lt scared me and it hurt.

l didn 't know how much l needed her till the night she flew away.

When that airplane took off, l felt something inside me tear away.

And l knew.

l should have stopped her.

l should've follo wed her home.

And now tomorrow, l'm going to sail to the windy point...

...and l'm going to say goodbye to you.

Then l'm going to go to this woman...

...and see if l can win her heart.

lf l can, l know you'll bless me.

And bless us all.

lf l can 't...

... then l'm still blessed because l've had the privilege of loving...

... twice in my life.

She gave me that.

And if l tell you l love her as much as l loved you...

... then you'll know the whole story.

Rest in peace, my love.


Dear Catherine,

I m sorry I haven t talked to you in so long. I feel I ve been lost. No bearings, no compass. I kept crashing into things. A little crazy I guess.

I ve never been lost before. You were my true North. I could always steer for home, when you were my home. Forgive me for when you left, I still think some mistakes been made and I m waiting for God to take it back.

But, I m doing better now, the work helps me. Most of all you help me. You came into my dream last night. With that smile of yours that always held me like a lover, rocked me like a child. All I remember from the dream is a feeling of peace. I woke with that feeling and tried to keep it alive as long as I could.

I m writing to tell you I am on a journey toward that peace and to tell you I am sorry about so many things.

I m sorry I didn t take better care of you, so that you would never had spent one minute being cold, being scared or being sick.

I m sorry I never fixed the screen dock. I fixed it now.

I m sorry I ever fought with you.

I m sorry I didn t apologize more. I was too proud.

I m sorry I didn t bring you more compliments on everything you wore and the way you fixed your hair.

I m sorry I didn t hold onto you with so much strength that even God couldn t pull you away.

All my love,

message in a bottle

tiempos dificiles

Cuando Teng Yin Feng estaba por morir, les dijo a quienes lo rodeaban:

-he visto a monjes morir sentados y acostados, pero ¿ha muerto alguno de pie?

-si, algunos. Le respondieron

-¿y cabeza abajo?. Pregunto Teng

-no, eso nunca.

Entonces Teng murio apoyado sobre su cabeza, y su ropa tambien se levantaba, cerca de su cuerpo.

Decidieron llevarlo al crematorio, pero aun estaba alli, sin moverse. La gente que venia a despedirse

contemplaba la escena con asombro. Su hermana menor, una monja, que estaba alli le dijo:

-cuando estabas vivo, no tenias en cuenta las leyes y las costumbres; e incluso ahora que estas muerto,

te estas molestando a ti mismo.

Entonces pincho a su hermano en el dedo y el cayó dando un golpe. Despues se fueron al crematorio.

Mi foto
Nombre: camilo mirosevic
Ubicación: valparaiso, Chile
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© 2006 Se Arrienda | Plantishas para Blogger